On arrival at the Club Members should carefully park their cars so that the maximum number of cars can be accomodated. Members are requested not to use those areas set aside for the President, Captain, Committee of management, Life members and other committee members.
  1. On the course members must observe the dress code advised from time to time by the committee. When shorts are worn, neat sports socks must be worn.
  2. In the club house members must observe the dress code advised from time to time by the committee and observe orderly conduct.
  1. Visitors The same visitor, may not be introduced more than seven (7) times in the same financial year.
    Visitors in competition MUST have an Australian Handicap – proof of which is to be supplied on request. Vistors Green Fees are to be paid on all days except Guest days
  2. Number of Visitors allowed per member are:

    Saturday One (1) and then only with prior approval of the captain, except that from 11:30, three(3) guests may be invited after prior approval from the captain.
    Sunday Up to three (3) at any time after 11:30am
    Wednesday Up to 9:30am one with prior approval of the Lady Captain. After 9:30 three (3) per member.
    Thursdays Same as Wednesdays except club captain to approve prior to 9:30am
    Public Holidays: Up to three (3) at any time
    Other Weekdays: Same as Public Holidays.

    Juniors under 18 years are excluded from this privilege

    Members introducing visitors to the club must enter the visitors name and address and their own in the visitors book and see that payment of the prescribed green fees are paid PRIOR TO PLAYING. Members are held responsible at all times for the conduct of their visitors whilst they are on club premises.
    Members must ensure that their visitors Home club and full golf link number is shown on their score card and competition entry sheet.
    Guest Days are those specifically marked as such in the syllabus. On these days each member is permitted to bring ONE GUEST along to play in the competition of the day.
    The guest must be a member of an Affiliated club and have a current Australian Handicap, proof of which is to be supplied on request. He/She is exempt for paying green fees, but not competition fees.
    The rules for these days are not to be confused with those which apply for visitors days (see section 3.1). The host member is to ensure that the visitors HOME club is shown on the Visitors score-card and also on the competition entry sheet, together with relative Golf Link Numbers

    Members are asked to pay particular attention to the following paragraphs – remembrance of them will add to the pleasure on the course of all concerned.

  1. No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
  2. The player who has the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent or fellow competitor tees his ball
  3. No player should play until the party in front is out of range.
  4. In the interest of all, players should play without delay. It is accepted that 1hr 50 mins for each 9 holes is correct time of play (Any Longer = Slow Play).
  5. A player who has incurred a penalty should advise the fact to this opponent or marker as soon as possible
  6. Players while searching for a ball should allow other players coming up to pass them. They should signal to the players following them to pass and having given the signal should not continue their play until those players have passed and are out of range. Whilst the rules allow a player to take 3 mins to find the ball, this Does Not mean search fully 3 mins before checking behind and calling others through. (Refer to definitions- Lost Ball) or if not quickly located and your group has fallen behind play, then call through while you continue searching.
  7. After having played out of a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth all holes by him, therein. Return the rake to the middle of the bunker keeping it in line of play (And not across the line of play, nor on the sloped areas.)
  8. A player should ensure that any divot made by them either in the rough or on the fairway is filled with sand and pressed down, and that on the putting green any pitch mark made by him is obliterated as far as possible after the players have holed out.
  9. The flagstick may be left in when putting or taken out to suit the player concerned. If taken out, the player should ensure that when placing the flag stick on the putting green , no damage is done to the putting surface, that neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by standing close to it or in taking out or replacing the flag stick. The flag stick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green
  10. When the result of a hole has been determined players should immediately leave the putting green and should not re-try their putts or practice putting.
  11. In order to keep the game moving at an enjoyable tempo for all, it is imperative that at the completion of the playing of a hole, the player who has the honour at the next tee should immediately walk to the tee, and tee his ball up, leaving the replacing of the flag-stick to one of the other members of the four (Member should mark their card after hitting off). By far the greatest amount of time lost on a round is between the green and tee.
  12. Do not lag behind after you have played, keep abreast of the other players, and be ready for your next shot. Avoid acquiring the habit of taking practice swings before each stroke.
  13. At greens place your bag to the side nearest the next tee. Never leave your bag in front of a green
  14. It is the duty and responsibility of the lowest handicapped player in the match to see his fellow competitors replace all divots, smooth out all footmarks in bunkers and observe the etiquette and rules of the game.
  15. It is the responsibility of the proposer and the seconder, immediately a nominee is elected to membership, to see that such new member is introduced to other members and advised of all rules governing the conduct of the club and above all, is sufficiently advanced in the knowledge of the rules of golf to be competent to perform the duty of Marker of a fellow competitor. Please see that you play with your nominee until he is so equipped.
  16. Members must give way to Pennant play at all times. On Pennant days when teams play on course the tee will be closed for a short period. See Notice Board for prior advice of closure time.
A reminder to all members that it is a Golf Australia requirement that all stroke rounds must also be scored with Stableford points for handicapping purposes. Stroke Scores – Gross and Nett and Stableford points must be tallied and clearly presented on the scorecard at the end of each stroke round.
Every player has a Golf Australia Handicap which is calculated by identifying the players most recent 20 scores and then determining the played to value for each of those scores. The best 8 played to value is averaged and this figure is multiplied by .93. The resultant figure (to one decimal place) is the players GA Handicap. If a players handicap record contains a lesser number than 20 scores the scores used are calculated on a sliding scale. e.g. 11/12 games the best lowest 4.
Daily Handicaps
Daily Handicaps are calculated by multiplying GA Handicap X Slope rating and dividing the result by 113. The Slope rating is a rating given by Golf Australia to each affiliated course and is dependant on the marker being played off. The slope rating for Melbourne Airport G.C. is white markers 119 , blue markers 126 and red markers 123
Gaining an Initial Handicap

Three 18 hole score cards from MAGC are required before a GA Handicap is calculated and allocated. The cards are to be entered in STABLEFORD format immediately on completion of each round and for this purpose players are allocated a temporary handicap of 36 for Men and 45 for Women. The applicant is not eligible to win daily trophies etc. in a club competition. If you have any concerns regarding handicapping, visit the website GOLF AUSTRALIA HANDICAP SYSTEM Click here.

  1. Slow Play
  2. Complaints are constantly received by the Match Committee for slow play. In most cases slow play can be avoided if the time saving measures referred to in Section 4 (Etiquette of the Game of Golf) are practiced and adhered to in the interests of fellow players.
    It should be remembered that whenever players fail to keep their places in the field and lose one clear hole behind those immediatelhy preceding them, the group following have the right to go through. The low marker in a group is responsible for etiquette and the observance of the Rules of the order of Play. He /she must call the following group through without being asked.
    The regular recurring problem of “slow play” is discussed consistently amongst members and with that thought almost every player member of the club has at some time expressed concern about the effects of slow play on their enjoyment of the game, we publish the following 10 suggestions which could be of assistance in overcoming this problem

    Problem 1: Not being ready to hit from the tee
    Solution: Select your club whilst players are having their tee shots
    Problem 2: Delays on tees or greens whilst marking their card
    Solution: Do no mark your card on greens always mark your card whilst awaiting your turn at the tee. The player with the honour, play first then mark your card after you tee off.
    Problem 3:Players waiting with player shortest off the tee until he has his shot, then walking to their own balls
    Solution:Walk directly to your own ball, or level with same and select club to be used whilst waiting for the other to play their shorts
    Problem 4:Unnecessary number of practice swings
    Solution:It is agreed that each player has his / her own preference in this matter, but practice swings should be limited by discretion
    Problem 5:Delays in locating a lost ball
    Solution:If, after a reasonable period, it is apparent your are holding up play, call the next group through
    Problem 6:Lack of discretion in going through a team that has lost a ball.
    Solution:If called ahead as in (5) but immediately afterwards the team ahead locate their ball and it is evident that play will proceed faster if they continue, you should signal them to go ahead. (Note: the discretion is in the hands of the team called through and not the players who have lost their ball)
    Problem 7:On the putting green, unnecessary marking of balls and players not continuing to putt out
    Solution:On reaching the green and your ball, study the line of your putt immediately. When it is your turn to putt, try and whenever possible putt right out. Marking the balls is sometimes necessary but not always and should be avoided.
    Problem 8:Players not using the time on the green, whilst waiting their turn, to assess their own putt
    Solution:Wherever possible, a player should have assessed his/her own putt for direction and speed whilst other players are putting, providing, in doing so no interference is caused to the player
    Problem 9:Incorrect handling of the flag on the green
    Solution:The flagstick may be left in when putting or taken out to suit the player concerned..If taken out then player must return it carefully before leaving the green
    Problem 10:Leaving buggies around the green on the wrong side of the tee
    Solution:Always place your buggy adjacent to the approach to the next tee.


    (a) Each player walks directly to or adjacent to his/her ball at all times and waits there for the player furthest from the hole to play his/her shot
    (b) That he/she has used that time to assess his/her own shot

    We ask you all to get into the habit of playing this way. Get your partners to play this way, and if you see anybody NOT playing this way, this is why your are having a slow round.

  3. Bunker Rakes: Wherever practicable bunker rakes should be placed completely in and on the flat part of the bunker with the handle parallel to the centerline of the fairway. They must not be placed on the sloped sides of the bunker. After playing their bunker stroke players must repair the surface thereof. It must be remembered however that to repair a bunker BEFORE playing a stroke therein may incur a TWO stroke penalty (Rule 8.1 as amended. Note – this is now allowed if it is done for the sole purpose of caring for the course).
The Match Committee conducts weekly competitions for members on Saturdays, Sundays, Thursdays and on Public Holidays, excluding Good Friday and Christmas Day. The programme of events conducted during the year is published in the syllabus which is issued to all members annually. Members playing in a competition field must play in the event of the day eg. Stableford, whether they have entered the competition or not. Competitors wishing to enter the competition must register in the computer in the pro shop or enter their names on the competition sheet/s provided and place applicable entry fees in the envelope provided before starting the competition round. The penalty for not doing so – Disqualification. Competitors should also place their name, date and golk link number on the envelope and then place it in the slot provided in the pro shop.
Competitions consist of one stipulated round of 18 holes under handicap conditions unless otherwise advised by the match committee.
Any scorecard not complying with Section 7.5will be disqualified.
Any ties will be resolved in accordance with section 7.3 . Members can select their own hit off times on the time sheets provided either in the club house or the pro shop. Once entered these times cannot be altered by persons other than the particular member, the match committee or the tee marshal.
All competitors must report to the pro shop at least ten minutes before their scheduled hit off times and play in fours or as directed by the tee marshall. Competitors must give way to the club president and captain when requested to do so.

  1. Competition Entry Fees PER PERSON
    Men’s Competition $10.00
    Championships $10.00
    Mid-Week Championship $10.00
    Eclectic $10.00
    Foursomes $20.00pair
    Mixed Foursomes $20.00pair
    Four Ball $20.00pair
    Knockout Four Ball $20.00pair
    Individual Knockout $10.00
    Presidents Trophy Free
    Participation Trophy Free
  2. Competition Grades and Handicap Ranges
  3. For club competitions, competitors are graded as follows:-

    7.2.1 Competitions on Saturdays with more the 100 players

    A Grade = 0 – 15
    B Grade = 16 – 22
    C Grade = 23 – 36

    7.2.2 Competition on Thursdays with more than 50 players

    A Grade = 0 – 18
    B Grade = 19 – 27
    C Grade = 28 – 36

    7.2.3 For competitions where the number of competitors is between 51 and 100 inclusive

    A Grade – Up to and incl. 24
    B Grade – 25 – 36

    All gradings subject to change at any time.
    7.2.4 For competitions where the number of competitors is 50 or less there is one Grade only
    7.2.5 Any men’s event with less than 5 entries will be cancelled and entry fees refunded. Three entrants minimum are required to form a Sunday Ladies Competion
    7.2.6 In Foursomes Competitions including Men’s and Mixed Canadian and Men’s and Mixed American the handicap for the team is half the aggregrate of the two players. The maximum handicaps that can be used are Men 36 and Ladies 45
    7.2.7 In Mens and Mixed Four ball competitors the maximum handicaps that can be used are Men 36 and Ladies 45.
    7.2.8 Ambrose Competitions- Men’s and Mixed : In Ambrose competitions a team consists of preferably four and a minimum of three players. In mixed events at least one of each sex must be in the team. The team handicap is one eight of the total handicaps for a team of 4 players and one sixth for a team of three players. The maximum individual handicaps that can be used are 36 for Men and 45 for Ladies. For method of play at Melbourne Airport see Section 7.8

  4. Ties
  5. 7.3.1 Match Play In the event of Match competition finishing all square, the contestants must continue from their first hole of the match until a decision is reached. If any strokes are conceded on any hole they will also be conceded on the same hole in the play off.
    7.3.2 Stroke Play (includes Stroke, Stableford, and Par) With the exception of the Monthly medal competition club championships, George Downward Cup and Presidents Trophy, Trophy recipients will be determined by the following count-back procedure 18 Hole Events The lowest NETT score for the last 9 holes, then if still tied the last 6, then the last 3, then hole by hole back from the 18th hole until a winner is decided 27, 36, 54 and 72 hole events The lowest NETT score for the last 18 holes will be considered first then the procedure in section followed
  6. Trophies In most competitions trophies awared for winner and runner up in each grade. In the more important competitions additional trophies may be awarded and in competitions where the number of competitors is small, a lesser number.
    Vouchers awarded for Trophies are only valid for a maximum period of six months from the date of competition and are only redeemable at locations advised from time to time by the club.
  7. Trophies are also awarded as follows

    7.4.1 Eagles Nest The Eagle’s Nest competition is run on Saturday and Thursday competitions. It does not apply to Ambrose or Foursomes competitions with the exception of a “Hole in One” scored in those events. To be eligible to win any or all of the balls in the Nest in either a Saturday or thursday competition a member (Non-Member, Non-Handicap members and non financial members are ineligible) must be entered properly in the day competition and have scored an Eagle whilst playing in that particular competition. Any score-card that has been disqualified for any reason, or any score-card that does not comply with section 7.5 for any reason including disqualification, will only be considered for the Eagle’s nest on appeal at the discretion of the match committee. Three balls are added to the nest each Saturday and one each Thursday. A cap of 24 balls on Saturday and 12 on thursday applies
    7.4.2 Nearest the Pin

    Saturdays and Thursday 5th, 7th , 10th and 18th holes Pro Ball 15th
    Sundays 5th (Mixed) and Pro Balls 7th(Ladies) 15th (Mens)
    Public Holidays Pro Balls only 7th Ladies, 15th (Mens)
    Wednesdays Ladies Day – 5th and 15th and Pro Balls 7th and 10th
    Rules applicable for club and Sponsored N.T.P’s are:- Players must be in the Competition of the day and not disqualified for any reason. Control card beside the green to show players name and be signed by his/her marker Marker plate/spike is not to be moved until others in the group confirm O.K. (Disqualified if not confirmed and marker to be returned as was.) Marker plate/sike to be placed at front edge of the ball’s location (if in front of flagstick/line of approach from the tee, move it to same distance at rear of flagstick and not impede possible hole in one. If regular markers not present, use 1/2 card or similar with tee through it to indicate front of balls location. If they arrive subsequent to this, place behind regular card after putting last name on proper card. Prizes paid out to last name on the cards
    FOR PRO BALL:- same as above
    EXCEPT: Entry fee MUST be paid prior to hit off and name added to entry sheet in Pro Shop Due to lack of storage, all balls won as NTP and Eagles Nest trophies, MUST be collected from the bar within 3 months or they will be forfeited.
    7.4.3 Hole in One: Anyone who achieves this feat, is a MEMBER and in the competition of the day, should hand the ball to the match committee representative who will arrange for it to be mounted.
  8. Scorecards Any scorecard that is submitted to the match committee at the end of each round for any and all Stroke, Stableford and Par events must comply with the requirements of the Rules Of Golf in relation to Scorecards, or the player will be disqualified and will therefore not be considered in the determination of Trophy recipients for the competition to which they apply including Nearest to the Pin trophies. They will however be taken into account for handicap purposes.
  9. Main Club Competitions As well as regular weekly events the match committee runs several more significant competitions either annually or throughout the golfing year. These are:-
  10. 7.6.1 Monthly Medal The monthly medal is a stroke event, played in conjuction with the graded competition of the day, and is played once in each calendar month. The medal winner must have been a member of the Melbourne Airport Golf Club for at least the three months prior to the particular date of the round, have returned at least three competition cards, excluding 4 ball events, from the Melbourne Airport Golf Course in that time and be eligible to play on Saturdays. It is played off the back tees unless circumstances dictate otherwise. The winner is the competitor who returns the lowest nett score of all competitors in all grades, however the maximum handicap that can be used in determining the winner is 36.
    In the event of a tie, the medal winner will be decided by a play-off over 18 holes of stroke. Competitors in the play off must play in the same group – tee time will be either 8:00am or 11:30am (as determined by the match committee in consultation with the competitors) on the next medal day, with competitors using the same handicap they had on the day on which the tie occurred. For the GRADED competition (maximum handicap 36), grade winners and runners up will be decided on scorecards for the medal competition round and will not be dependent on the result of any play-off for the Monthly medal
    Ties will be resolved in each grade in accordance with section
    The winner of the monthly medal will receive the trophy voucher for the graded competition in addtition to the medal he can also win “Cock of the Walk”. On Medal days only trophies are also awarded for
    * the Player who completes the round in the least number of strokes
    * the Junior competitor with the lowest Nett score
    * Cock of the Walk (see
    Cock of the Walk This trophy is awarded on monthly medal days only to the competitor with the lowest nett score of all of those entered in the competition of the day.
    A maximum handicap of 36 applies. any ties will be resolved by countback in accordance with Section
    The trophy winner may use the special pewter mug held behind the bar only on Saturdays of the calendar month following the particular medal day on which he won the tropy. He may “tap” any other member on the shoulder and they are obliged to purchase the refill for the trophy holder (excluding spirits / mixed drinks etc), however if the same person is “tapped” twice the trophy is immediately forfeited.
    7.6.2 Medal of Medalists. The winner of the medal of medalists is decided by play off under Stroke conditions between the 12 successful monthly medal winners (March to February), at a date and time determined by the match committee (usually the March Monthly Medal). Competitors contesting the play off round shall use their applicable handicap for the February monthly medal competition regardless of whether they compete on that day or not. In the event of a tie in the play off round a playoff between those tied will be necessary. To determine the winner, the players in this extra tie must play together at a time to be determined by the match committee. Generally this would be on the following medal day (April) at either 8 or 11:30am. For this playoff they will use the same handicaps that apply for the first medal of medalists round.
    7.6.3 Eclectic The Eclectic competition is only open to members who have paid the one off applicable additional entry fee, have entered on the special entry sheet provided on each of the first three medal days and have entered the competition of the day. It is run on monthly medal days only and operates as follows:-
    For each player entered in the Eclectic competition the match committee will record and total the lowest score for each of the 18 holes of each of the 12 medal day score cards, (or as many of the 12 that the particular player has played), except that scores from any score-card that does not comply with section 7.5, or from non competition cards, will not be included. Half of the players handicap as at the completion of the final medal day round, (usually February), is deducted from the total to calculate the players nett score for the Eclectic competition. Trophies are awarded for the lowest nett score in each of A, B, and C grades (see section 7.2.1). Entrants are graded according to the handicap they had for February medal day round. a maximum handicap of 36 applies. Ties will be resolved by count-back in accordance with Section
    7.6.4 Knockout Tournaments Players must be eligible to play in Saturday competitions. Players must qualify to play in these tournament through a qualifyin round. Players must be entered in the competition of the day and pay an additional entry fee for the particular knockout tournament and enter on a separate entry sheet on the day of the qualifying round. After qualifying rounds, the match committee will organise the draw for matches including dates by which matches in each round of the tournament must be played, which will be displayed in the clubhouse. If the number of qualifiers exceeds the maximum that can be accomodated in the tournament field because of ties, that number will be reduced by the count back method in section It is the responsibility of all players involved in matches to make sure they are organised and played by due dates. Penalty for not doing so is both competitors or teams being disqualified. All matches in these tournaments are to be conducted under match play handicap conditions using the club match play index. All matches must be played from the blue markers. Handicaps used for both qualifying and tournament rounds are to be those applicable for each competitor on the day of play except that a maximum handicap of 36 applies Individual The qualifying round for the individual knockout is a stroke play handicap round and only the 32 lowest nett scores will qualify for the tournament draw Four Ball The qualifying round for the Four Ball knockout is a 4 Ball Better Ball Par handicap round and only the highest 16 teams qualify for the tournament draw. Competitors who have entered the qualifying round can only have one partner in that round. Competitors in the tournament draw must play with the same partner with whom they qualified Handicap Match Play – How it works The number of strokes awarded in handicap match play is the difference between the players stroke handicaps. The hole order in which awarded strokes are “taken or received” is shown on the Match Play index.
    In a match between 2 players, the player on the lower handicap reverts to scratch and gives strokes to an opponent who is off a higher handicap. eg. Player A has a handicap of 4, Player B has a handicap of 10. Player A reverts to scratch and gets no extra strokes above par on any hole. Player B gets one stroke above par on each of the first 6 holes on the Match play index and none on the rest.
    Where there are more than 18 holes difference between the players handicaps, the higher handicapped player receives two strokes per hole on the number of holes where his handicap is more than 18 above that of his opponent eg. player A has a handicap of 21 and player B has a handicap of 1, Player A gets 2 strokes above par on the first 2 holes of the Match play index and one on the rest. Player B gets no strokes above par on any hole.
    In four ball match play, the lowest marker reverts to scratch and gives strokes to the higher markers eg. A is on a 4 handicap, B on 8, C on 12 and D on 27. A receives no strokes above par on any hole, B gets one stroke on the first 4 holes of the index and none on the rest, C gets one stroke on the first 8 holes and none on the rest, and D gets 2 strokes on the first 5 holes of the index and one on the rest Mixed Knockout The mixed knockout qualifying round is played as 4BBB par with 8 pairs to qualify for match play. A separate entry is required for this competition. If there is a tie for the last position in the knockout round normal countback rules will apply. The match committee will prepare a draw for the 8 qualifying pairs and set a date by which time these matches are to be played. Extensions of time beyond these dates will only be allowed in special circumstances sanctioned by the club Captain.
    Important The knockout rounds will be stroke play under match play rules and conditions with the ladies using their match play card index and the men using their card index. In addition to any stoke allowance given/taken, the ladies will receive the benefit of the ACR differential between ladies and men. At present this is 2 strokes to each lady. Refer to item “How if Works” for the method of determining how strokes are received/given.
  11. Presidents Trophy The Presidents trophy is conducted over twelve(12) specified stableford rounds throughout the golfing year, usually on the first Saturday of each month. There is no additional entry fee for the event but participants must be in the competition of the day.
    A maximum handicap of 36 applies.
    Handicaps to be used are those of the day of play for each separate round.
    After the twelfth round has been completed the match committee will total each competitors six highest stableford scores with the winner being the entrant with the highest total for his best six rounds. Scorecards not complying with section 7.5 will not be counted.
    Any ties at the end of the competition will be resolved by an 18 hole play off under stableford conditions at a time determined by the match committee with competitors in the play off round using their handicaps as of the date of the 12th round of the competition.
    Only a winners trophy is awarded
  12. Ambrose Competitions (Men’s and Mixed)
    Method of play at Melbourne Airport – Handicap Max 36
    4 players 1/8th of total
    3 players 1/6th of total
    2 players 1/4th of total
    Each players name and handicap shown on card. Card signed and countersigned by another player in team.
    Mixed Ambrose must include at least 1 lady Shots from Tee
    4 players. Each player at least 3 tee shots
    3 players. Each player at least 4 tee shots
    2 players. Each player at least 6 tee shots
    Mark on card, name of player’s tee shot used
    On the Fairway The position of the selected ball shall be marked, but not moved
    That ball to be played first, then any order for other players
    Other players place their ball within 1 club length of the marked position, no nearer the hole
    Off the Fairway The position of the selected ball shall be marked, but not moved.
    That ball to be played first, then any order for other players
    Other players drop their ball within 1 club length of the marked position, no nearer the hole
    The drop to be made in the same conditions as the marked position i.e. hazard, rough, bunker.
    On the Putting Green The position of the selected ball shall be marked and may be lifted.
    Any order of play.
    All players to putt from within one putter head length of the marker, no nearer the hole.
    Tap in putts may be made, before others putt out.
    Keep moving!!!Four(4) hours should be achieved
  13. Holden Scramble The Holden scramble is a four-person elimination format Ambrose
    • All team members tee off each hole
    • Team chooses the shot they are going to use.
    • The golfer whose shot is taken is eliminated from participating in the next shot
    • A player is only eliminated for the one shot following his/her shot
    • This process continues up until the ball is on the putting green and then all four players have the opportunity to sink the putt
    • All four players tee off the next hole and the elimination process begins again, until ball is placed on the putting green
    • Each team member’s tee shot must be used at least three(3) times per round
    • The eliminated player cannot take a practice shot during the time they are eliminated
    • Please read entry sheet for handicap requirements and other regulations.
  14. Annual Participation Trophy This competition is played over twelve(12) months of thursday competitions. Participants must be in the competition of the day but no additional fee is payable to enter the annual participation trophy competition
    Points are awarded for the competition as follows

    • Each weekly correct scorecard = 2 points
    • Winner of grade + 5 points
    • Grade Runner up + 3 points

    At the end of the twelve months each participants competition points are totalled with the winner being the player with the highest number of points. Scorecards that do not comply with Section 7.5 will be excluded. If at the end of the competition two or more players are tied for the total accumulated points, the player with the highest number of grade wins will be adjudged the winner, then if still tied the highest number of runners up, then if still tied the highest number of rounds played in this particular competition and if still tied, joint winners will be declared.

  15. Father and Son Day Winners of our club event, later represent the club at Kew Golf club in November each year.
The match committee conducts club championships in individual Men’s, Juniors, Mixed Foursomes and Men’s foursomes events. All are conducted under stroke play conditions with the winner/s being the competitor/s who play the round/s stipulated for each event in the fewest strokes. Participants must have been members of the Melbourne Airport Golf club for at least the three month period prior to the date of the first round of the particular event and have returned at least three competition cards, excluding cards from 4 Ball rounds, from the Melbourne Airport Golf Club in the same three month period. In the event of a tie/s the winner/s will be decided by a four hole play-off commencing at the 10th hole and continuing in order to the 11th, 17 and 18th holes. If the winner/s are still not decided a sudden death play-off will continue over the same four holes until the matter is resolved. The play off/s will be conducted immediately after the completion of the final round of the event/s or as otherwise determined by the match committee. Members not entered for the championships may play in the day competition event at any remaining time slots after the championships field has been allocated

  1. Men’s and Junior Individual Championships This event is conducted over three rounds of 18 holes or as otherwise determined by the match committee. It determines the Club champion and Runner up and the Winners and Runners up in B, C and D grades, and the junior club champion.
    Only members who are eligible to play in Saturday competitions are eligible to enter these championships. Entries including the payment of the applicable entry fee, shall reach the match committee by 5pm, 14 days before the date of the first round. Competitors must commence each round at the times and in the order of draw for their first hole for each round as determined by the match committee which will release the draw for each of the first two rounds at 12 noon on the thursday week prior to the particular round. The penalty for non-compliance is disqualification. The draw will as far as possible group entrants of the same grade ie.,

    A Grade – Up to and including 9
    B Grade – 10 to 18
    C Grade – 19 to 27

    Competitors will contest in the same grade throughout the championship regardless of any handicap adjustments that may be made during their duration. The draw for the final round will be conducted only for the leading eight players plus ties in each of A, B, C and D grades, the leading 4 juniors and the top 8 Net scores, as soon as possible after the completion of the second round and listed on the time sheet. Participants in this draw are responsible for checking the time sheet and playing in the time slot allocated – penalty – disqualification. The starting time will be at a time set by the match committee. Other competitors are to arrange their own starting times and order of play for their first hole of the final round only.

    8.1.1 The George Downward Cup
    The George Downward Cup is a handicap event that is conducted over the same rounds as the club championships referred in 8.1
    Only those members who are entered for the Men’s and Junior Individual Championships qualify for this event
    A Maximum handicap of 36 applies
    Nett scores at the end of each round are totalled to determine the winner.
    Competitors shall use their handicap as of the day of play for each round. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by countback in accordance with Section
    Any competitor who is disqualified for any of the championship rounds is also disqualified from this event.
    8.1.2 Persons not fully financial prior to First Round of Championship, will be “Disqualified” unless prior arrangements were made with office or Match Committee.
  2. Mixed and Men’s Foursomes Championships
    These are separate events each of which are conducted over two rounds of 18 holes of Stroke play, or as otherwise determined by the Match Committee. They determine the winners and runners up. There is no grade competition in these events.
    Only members who are eligible to play in Sunday competitions are eligible for the mixed championship, and only those members who are eligible to play on Saturday are eligible for the Men’s Foursomes championship.
    A player who play from a particular tee in the first round shall not play from the same tee in the second round – penalty disqualification. In the mixed event men play from the odd numbered tees in the first round and the evens in the second.
    Entries are made on the day of play of the first round on the special entry sheet provided by paying the stipulated fee.
    Any ties in this event will be resolved as in Section 8, club championships, (second Paragraph). Players not wishing to play in these championships may play in the competition of the day.

    8.2.1 36 Hole Nett Mixed and Mens Foursomes Championships
    These events are run in conjunction with the mixed and men’s foursomes championships respectively and only those members who are entered for the championship rounds in those events are eligible to compete.
    Competitors shall use their handicap as of the day of play for each round
    Maximum Handicaps – Men 36
    Ladies 45
    The handicap to be used for each team shall be half the total of their combined handicaps.
    Nett scores for each of the two rounds will be totalled to determine the winners and runners up. Any ties will be resolved in accordance with Section
    Any team disqualified from the mixed or Mens foursomes championships is also disqualified from the 36 hole nett competition in the same event.
    8.2.2 Any team that wins the mixed or Men’s foursomes championship is ineligible to win the mixed or Men’s foursomes nett competitions in the same event
  3. Mid-Week Championship
    The mid-week championship will be conducted each year on dates to be published in the syllabus, over 3 rounds of stableford with participants using their handicaps as of the day of play. The winner will be the competitor with the highest aggregrate score over the 3 rounds (One Grade only). Participants must be financial, hold a Golf Australia Handicap, and members of the Melbourne Airport Golf Club for 3 months prior to the first round of the Championships, and have returned at least 6 Thursday cards during that 3 month period.
    (Exceptions may apply at the discretion of the match committee e.g. illness, injury etc.) A winner will be declared with a runner-up and , depending on the size of the field, a third place getter. Ties will be decided over an eighteen hole play-off the week after the final round, and in the event of a further tie a sudden death play-off over holes 10,11,17,18
The club enters teams in Pennant competitions as follows
VGA Pennant – Senior Men
North West Region – Veterans Pennant
North West Region – Senior Men
North West Region – Juniors
Competitors in these Competitions have right of way on their day of play. Supporters are invited and would be most welcome.

All complaints should be made in writing to the Administration Manager.
No employee of the club is to be directly reprimanded by a member or members.

The Captain / Match committee reserves the right to make any alterations to the syllabus, competitions, or conditions of play during the year, without notice.
Ordinary Members – 7 day playing right
Restricted Members – 6 days playing rights (no playing right Saturday)
Weekday Members – 5 day playing rights incl. P/Hols (no playing rights Saturday and Sunday)
Junior Members – 7 day playing rights
Sub Junior Member – 6 day playing rights (no playing rights Saturday)
Please note that a group of juniors or sub juniors may not play together in competition (excluding events drawn by the Match Committee) unless there is at least one adult member in the group – penalty – disqualification of all players.
Country Members – 7 days playing rights
Subscriptions are due and payable in two equal instalments on the 1st April and 1st October each year. Fee notices will be forwarded 1st March / 1st September and if not paid by the 30th April / 31st October members will be
considered unfinancial and ineligible to enter the course without payment of green fee.
Members who have not paid membership subscription prior to 1st April / 1st October and win a trophy during April or October will be considered a provisional winner only and no prize/voucher will be
forthcoming until subscription is paid.
Corporate memberships and advertising are available and can be arranged by contacting the Manager.
Club lounge is available for weddings, parties and special occasions.
Wide menu selections available.
Bookings through the office.

All competitions $3.00 per lady member except for special events as listed.
Currently Lady Members can play any day Monday to Sunday when the
comp will be completed. Entrants must have a playing partner to be
their marker and to be someone with a Golf Australia handicap
Entry forms for all special events must be completed and paid for by due date.
Consideration will be given to reimbursement. See Lady Treasurer for Special Events forms.
See board for conditions concerning all special events. Championships and Foursomes Championships close 2 weeks before events

All players must be members of at least three months standing and have returned at least three competition cards at MAGC in the three
months immediately preceding championship.
Being an 18 hole competition members must be fully financial at time of first round hit off.


Refer Section 6: On the course


  1. All play shall be strictly in accordance with the rules of Golf and Local Rules.
  2. Sign competition book or sheet and pay entry fee before commencing play
  3. The player shall be responsible for acquainting herself with the conditions under which the competition is to be played
  4. Score Cards placed in score card box. Please note Local Rules, Temporary local rules and penalties on score cards. Please return All cards even if N.S.R
  5. Any draw in championship gross and foursome championship gross to be playedas 3 hole play-off and then Sudden Death. Cards for all competitions in 1/2 hour or ASAP after completion of game.


All complaints re Lady Members affairs shall be made in writing to the Honorary Lady Secretary, who shall submit them to the committee whose decision shall be final.
In no instance shall a servant of the club be reprimanded directly by a Lady Member.
All Sunday and holiday competitions will be conducted by the Mens Match committee.
This syllabus is subject to any alterations deemed necessary by the match committee.


  • Each player is responsible for playing on her correct handicap.
  • Any reduction is automatic and comes into force immediately the score affecting it is returned
  • Extra Day book scores only accepted for gaining, regaining and retaining handicaps. Not for reducing.


A Lady member will be disqualified for any of the following

  1. Playing on a higher handicap
  2. Each competitor is responsible for the correct score being recorded at each hole
  3. Any card wrongly marked or incomplete


Visitors green fees to be paid on visitor’s days, public holidays and Sundays.
Lady members introducing visitors to the club must enter the visitor’s name and address, and the name of the Lady Member
introducing same in the visitors book and see that the payment of the prescribed green fee is made prior to playing. Lady Members are
held responsible at all times for the conduct of their visitors whilst on the club’s premises.


  1. Lady members as per categories have equal rights to members at all times except thursday from commencement of time sheet to 10:30am
  2. Lady members must observe proper dress on the course and in the club house
  3. Time sheet 8:30am start
  4. Lady members name to be entered on the time sheet each Wednesday or contact the Professional for a time. When Ladies have a time and
    unable to play, please notify their playing partners and the professional on phone 9338 4303
  5. Reciprocal club Lady members are eligible to play in competitions but not eligible to win championship or monthly medal
  6. Lady members may introduce guest or visitors under the same conditions as members on any day that the competition includes lady members
  7. Countbacks on last nine then six, then three,then last hole
  8. Only ladies entered in competitions to play within a time slot, otherwise to play at the end of the field


Neat golfing attire